The tide was coming in and the wind picked up fast. We played on the park for a little bit but we were still bored. I was thinking about having a swim but I knew I would get sick! So I played on the sand and around the rocks.
Playing around the rocks kind of felt like a small adventure. I was jumping up and around when suddenly I slipped back back luckily I caught my self. A few minutes after that I almost my foot stepped into a hole causing me to fall almost to my face.
The day was kind of a bad day trapped in a good day. We giggled a groaned but I had a very nice day I really hope to have another day but with the sun shining the whole day!.
Finally it was over we left the beach and had a lovely day. But we had a stuck in the mud problem on our way back! We struggled awfully through the mud, when finally we escaped. Saturday we had quite a big adventure through the mud and in the rocks, but all day was great.