Monday, December 3, 2012

Reading Plus

Mr barks has introduced a new site for reading, that is Reading Plus. Reading plus has been very helpful throughout the end of the year with reading, I have learnt so much during the short 25-30 minute challenges/test’s.

In the image above you will be able to see my progress in Reading. As you can see I have fallen behind, but I’m still on the appropriate level for my age. I believe that Reading plus really helped me with my reading test I had this year.

My results from my test was above average. To be honest I wasn’t surprised, last year I was with the reading teacher for two days and my results were great. This year I have improved by reading faster and answering questions with a qualifying answers.

If you would like to find out more click 

I guarantee that this site will help your below average with reading children/class  will help them get really better.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn part 2

Now showing in cinemas is the final one its finally here the most fantastic Breaking dawn part 2. If you’ve watched all the movies read all the books just waiting to see the last movie part 2, well here’s your chance to go now, they’re now showing Twilight saga Breaking Dawn part 2 in cinemas. If you want a sneak peak keep reading to find the link to the trailer and to read a little bit more.

Brought back to life by Edward as Bella almost died giving birth to Renesmee. Almost having to fight the Volturi. They went around the world collecting witnesses that the child had not been turned it was born while Bella was still human. Alice and Jasper had left the country, little did the family know they had left to find witnesses of their own. They had people all around the world to help them fight, but they were no match against the volturi.

Edwards Cullen’s gft is Telepathy that allows him to see and hear other peoples thoughts,
Alice Cullen - Precognition she is able to see into the future,
Jasper Hale - Pathokinesis he can feel other emotions around him and also interact with them,
Bella swan’s gift is a Mental Shield - Bella's gift is so strong its been working without her knowing, it has been protecting her ever since birth Edward can’t read her mind, Kate can’t shock her, she is in order not to fight but to protect other while they fight. Renesmee has a very powerful gift - Tactile thought projection and shield penetration she has the power to break through mental shield’s and project her visions and thoughts into others by touching them to find more click here. To join the fan site click here.

Monday, November 12, 2012

New improved version of New Zealand

New Zealand the home of all Kiwi’s. For this weeks writing I’ve decided to write about New Zealand. If you don’t know much about New Zealand well keep reading!

There are many different parts of New Zealand to see such as wellington, ChristChurch and The bay of islands. The Bay of island's is my favorite place, it's the most amazing place, there you will be able to go on a tour and see whales by going on the whale watching tour. If you're not a sea fan you could alway's choose the Kiwi tour, there you could go on amazing journeys to find a kiwi and see it closer than ever before, finding a kiwi is a job for very quiet people!

So I’ve given you two of the most famous places in New Zealand discover for yourself. There are more great opportunities available for you here in New Zealand (Aotearoa). Click here to book your tour in NZ now. 
Also to find the picture above Click Here to find the picture of the whale watching Click Here and lastly the Kiwis Click Here

Monte Carlo (Narrative)

Down by the river lived two girls named Alice and Megan. The two girls didn't really get along they had alot of disagreements! Unfortunately for them both their mothers were best friends, it was almost time for the summer holidays.  Alice had already started coming up with  big plans and so did Megan. Alice crept through the passage, hoping she wouldn't wake her mum she overheard a conversation coming from the living room.

“Maybe we should talk to the girls about this”, Megans mom whispered. “Trust me they’ll be fine, besides they’re 17, they’re teenagers, this trip will make them grow closer to each other, just like we did!” Alice's mum said firmly!

Late that night their mothers called for a meeting. Alice was first on scene, Megan had come in a little bit after her. Liz, Alice’s mum and Chelsea, Megans mum had finally arrived they had files in their hand, which Alice saw to be airline tickets. Liz decided to tell the girls everything.

“You two are going on a trip to Mount Doom, we’ve paid for all reservations and tickets” Chelsea carried on “And also you two will come back best friends, one more thing... you leave tomorrow at dawn, have a good time!”

5:35 am Alice and Megan’s alarm clock went off, they both rushed around the house, they got all dressed up packed their bags, said their goodbyes and off they went. On the plane, eyes glued to the window Megan couldn't and wouldn't relax! Alice sat there and read the papers her mum gave them, on the front of the paper had a picture of where they were about to go, on the back was a yellow note it said

“We’ve arranged a taxi to pick you up,  just look out for your names it should say Alice or maybe megan  Megan, good luck.”  The plane had finally landed after a 7 hour trip of doing absolutely nothing. Megan and Alice both were very surprised on what they saw.

“Everything I see is is is, nothing compared to the map I have.”

“Welcome to Monte Carlo. I hope you have enjoyed your trip” said a lady behind Megan said.

“Ohh no no ” megan yelled confusingly “ This is not happening, we did not just get on the wrong plane, we couldn't have!”

“Relax Meg” Alice said with a very calm voice “we’re fine see there's the man with my name on his card, lets go.”

“Wow , look Meg we got a limo” Meg replied “Alice I'm not sure this is our-” “yes, yes this is ours,!” Alice cut of Megans sentence!

“Welcome to your hotel miss Alice” The woman behind the counter said. Alice and Megan we exsuaghsted  the two just couldn't wait to jump on   bed and have a sleep. Up the stairs they went following the lady.

Alice whispered “Oh my gosh, Megan look at it, it’s awesome”

Megan replied “Wow, it’s beautiful”

a soft voice grew stronger “ Miss Alice, Miss Alice”

“Yes, yes is there anything I could do for you?” Alice said impatiently.

“Miss Alex” The woman kept saying “We didn’t know you had guess, would you like us to bring extra to the dinner?”

“Yes please, and if you don’t mind I’d like to have the room to myself for a moment, shuffle on by, if I need anything I’ll be sure to call down!” Alice tried to say with a british accent.

Chocolate on the big fluffy pillows, juice on each side of the bed. Gold coating on the phone. Diamond bath on the left of the bath which looked like a spa. Everything was just perfect.

“Meg, this is what we deserve” she said nicely

Megan replied “ How are we going to get home? Will we be here forever?”

Alice said firmly “Don’t be ridiculous, trust me we’ll make it home, anyway go to sleep we got a big day ahead of us!”

“Goodnight Alice.” Said Megan

Early in the morning Megan woke up, as her eyes slowly opened she saw a man  with his hands of her face with a hot towel. She slowly got up, and as she did the  man gave her the wet towel and directed her to where the shower was, she opened a very large cupboard and out poured cloths and there also was a suitcase, she opened the suitcase and all she saw was make up. She had her shower and it took forever for her to choose what to wear.

Shaking Alice, Megan yelled “ WAKE UP ALICE, come on we have to go”

“I had a lovely sleep Meg, did you?”

As Alice slowly opened her eyes she thought she saw the sun in her room!

“What do you think?” Meg said excitedly

“ I love it,  yellow sundress totally your thing!” Alice lied.

Off they went to the beach. They sat on the nice hot sand.  Just as they were going to lie on the sand and try to relax, they hear a voice behind them.

“Excuse me Miss Alice, I’ve ordered Tanning seats for you please make way for them.”

“Why thank you,  We shall move over, hurry along, I can’t stand here for ages.” Alice said with the fake british voice.

Having a great time swimming, hiking and meeting new people, unfortunately their holiday was over.  No arguing had happened nothing, their mums made it work, the two girls were finally best friends! They caught the flight home. From that day on the girls had grown up just like their mothers best friend’s and they all lived happily ever after.

Thank you for reading, I had done this writing independently with a little help from
Chelsea, I have written the whole Narrative and Chelsea had checked he spelling and other things.

Monday, October 15, 2012

My toy story

Everybody should have grown up with a favourite toy or maybe something simalar. So today I'm going to share with you my favourite toy and the story behind it.

Thinking back 11 years ago I remember my first favourite toy was given to me on my 1st Birthday. It was Tweety. If you dont know what tweety is it's a Yellow bird with blue eyes, it wasn't real ofcourse, If you want a proper desciption there is a picture below.

If you have a favourite toy with an amazing story behind it please comment the story below. Thank you for reading to find the picture click here!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Zealand

New Zealand the home of all Kiwi’s. For this weeks writing I’ve decided to write about New Zealand. If you don’t know much about our New Zealand well keep reading!

There are many different parts of New Zealand to see such as wellington, ChristChurch and The bay of islands A.K.A Whale watching place. If you not a sea person you could always go on a journey to find a Kiwi.

So I’ve given you two of the most famous places in NZ to discover for yourself. There are more great opportunities available for you here in New Zealand (Aotearoa). Click here to book your tour in NZ now also to find the picture above Click Here

Monday, September 17, 2012

The new improved MTV 2012 VMA's

The MTV 2012 Video Music Awards have come and gone. Hosting this year was Kevin Hart protected by his seven dwarfs as he walked along the red carpet, greeting the stars as very unusually.

First seen were One Direction followed by Holland Roden, like magnets they attracted crazy fans and paparazzi. Next seen on the red carpet was Demi Lovato entertaining her fans with an outdoor performance of ‘Give Your Heart A Break’.

As Kevin, the host, made his way up onto the stage, his seven dwarfs stood guarding him like treasure. He introduced the first winner for The Best Music Video, the nominees were Rihanna ‘we found love’, Selena Gomez ‘Love Song’, Justin Bieber ‘Boyfriend’, One Direction ‘What Makes You Beautiful, Katy Perry ‘Fire Work’ and The wanted ‘Chasing the sun’. The winner for The Best Music Video award went to One Direction ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ Giving a wonderful speech they left the stage proudly. I didn't agree with this award but... what do I know? 

Drake brought his Young Money family on the stage to accept the best hip-hop video award, very convenient for Nicki Minaj as she is apart of Young Money she won the Best Female Video Award also she had got the chance to hang out with Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas. I agreed Entirely with these awards Nicki Minaj deserved her award and so did the crew Young Money.

Thank you for reading. There were many different performances. To watch the full clip click here and to fin more info click here. Thank You for reading I hope you enjoyed! To find the picture above click here

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

MTV 2012 VMA's

The MTV 2012 Video Music Awards have come and gone. Hosting this year was Kevin Hart, protected by his seven dwarfs as he walked along the red carpet, greeting the stars as they arrived.

First people to arrive were One Direction followed by Teen Wolf Holland Roden, like magnets they attracted crazy fans and paparazzi leading to more and more bizarre things. Next seen on the red carpet was Demi Lovato shocking her fans with an outdoor performance of ‘Give Your Heart A Break’.

As Kevin made his way up onto the stage, his seven dwarfs stood guarding him like treasure. He introduced the first winners for the best music video, the nominees were Rihanna ‘we found love’, Selena Gomez ‘Love Song’, Justin Bieber ‘Boyfriend’, One Direction ‘What Makes You Beautiful, Katy Perry ‘Fire Work’ and The wanted ‘Chasing the sun’. The winner for the best Video Music award went to One Direction ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ Giving a wonderful speech they left the stage proudly.

Drake brought his Young Money family on the stage to accept the best hip-hop video award, very convenient for Nicki Minaj as she won the Best Female Video Award also getting the chance to hang out with Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas.

There were many different performances to watch the full clip click here and to fin more info click here. Thank You for reading I hope you enjoyed! To find the picture above click here

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tech (wood)

This year I have been participating in Technology and we have been working on hard materials (wood work). You may be thinking what's so special about wood? Well I'm not here to talk about the specialties of wood, I'm here to share with you the amazing things we can do with it. You can throw wood in the fire on the other hand you could build something really creative!

This year is my first year being able to attend technology. We have three topics we learn about they are Cooking, Electronics and Woodwork.

Mr Grundy is the master who has been teaching us the basic steps in learning how to create a housing joint. If you want to try it yourself CLICK HERE. We've only been working with him for three weeks, I don't have much to share with you right now but if you stay tuned for next week you'll be able to know what I've decided to create, if I can I'll even throw in a picture.

To find the Picture above click here. Remember STAY TUNED for next Wednesday.

Friday, August 31, 2012

My Success In Class

From here on now I’m going to give you a report on my learning in class, not every day but every Friday. This includes, Writing, Reading and Maths. This Friday I have chosen to write about Maths.

To be honest I'm not that great at Maths. But during this week I’ve been doing my best at keeping at my daily 20 minutes of Math Whiz and I have already been improving. I haven't moved up any levels yet but if I keep 100 minutes a week and focus on this one challenge I will become better than I now.

Also a BIG THANK YOU to mr Barks for helping me achieve my BIGGEST GOAL!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Great Holiday For You

Have you lived in New Zealand your whole life?, Waiting for the right time to go on a holiday?, Or maybe you still can't choose what country you want to visit? Well I’m here to share with you a country that suits you/and your family's comfort, Keep Reading to find out what country you will be visiting this holiday.

First thing’s first, Australia is the anonymous country. If you’re thinking “Australia really”, Well think again. I’m gonna give you five good reasons why I think Australia is the right place for you!

1. It’s always hot so you/and your family can enjoy a fun day at the beach2. You can visit the blue mountains where you’ll find the historic facts about The three sisters, there are activities you/and your family can join in on.
3. If you want some alone time well the Australia's Bath House is hot and ready for you.
4. You could visit the Gold Coast, there you will find all theme parks
5. Last but not least, well, there are too many places to visit I can’t even name them all, so here's a link to Australias tourist guide.

You would be crazy to miss out on this amazing opportunity to visit Australia. If you don’t wanna miss out click here to book your tickets now. CLICK HERE, to find the photo above Click Here

Friday, August 3, 2012

Reading Eggs

You've heard of Math-Whizz and Extra Math before. Now it's time to introduce something to do with Reading. Reading Eggs it's  called. If your really good with  maths and not so good with your reading, well Reading Eggs is the site for you and you class mates.

As you can see there is a picture above, that picture shows you four different places to visit. There is the   Comprehension Gym, Mall, Stadium and the Library. Out of all four wonderful things to select my choice would be the library, Why? Well I love to read Novels and Fiction books. There are alot of wonderful books to read.

For Teacher's and Parents
The good thing about this site is that you can keep paste on what your child/children or class is doing. If one student in particular is failing alot at reading I promise that this site is the key to open the doors. For more information please visit the site below.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Step aside Justin Bieber and make room for the rising stars, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Zayne Malik. If your a big fan keep reading. To find this photo Click here.

All members from the band are ages between 18-20. Altogether they are known as One Direction A.K.A 1D. Everyone of the band members are English except for Niall Horan he is the only Irish member. When Niall is feeling homesick the other band members make silly Irish noises to make him feel better.

Thank you for reading. If you know more about this amazing boy band Harry Styles in particular, feel free to leave a comment. If you want to join a fan club for 1D Click Here. Thank you Ngametua for reading and editing my work.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Math - Whizz

Hey im back with more interesting things about Math-Whizz. Its term 3, and if you remember I made a story on Math-Whizz in term 2. So now I’m gonna share how much I have approved.

Earlier last term I told you I’m really struggling on my maths. My teacher Mr Barks is the rising star I should be thanking. We come to school five days a week, and Mr Barks gives us a review every day on what we have to do and between all of that we have to do 20 minutes of Math-Whizz every day. At the end of the week everybody in our classroom has to have 100 minutes on their timer.

So back to how much I have improved. I’m not the highest in our class at Maths or the lowest, I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. That means I gained more levels also I havent went down any level. I have gotten alot better with my times tables thanks to Mr Barks and the Math-Whizz crew.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I have been attending Point England for three years now, since I have been here I have had more experience in everything but my most favourite thing I have been involved in is Netball. I've been in many sports at my old schools but I wasn't keen on joining Netball. Last year (2012) I took the opportunity to trial for the Netball team. A few days after our trial the coaches had decided, and I had made the team. This year and last year.

My coach this year is Miss Muliaumasealii. We train Thursdays after school and 1 hour or more before a game. Sometimes I get nervous before a game but when I'm focused on the court and the ball I try my hardest.

I haven't been playing for very long but I have been taught a few tips from Mrs Nua and Mrs Muliaumasealii. Tip 1. When you're throwing a ball make sure you're throwing it straight to the chest. Also never be afraid to take a risk when you're stuck and don't know what to do just do what you think is right. A very important thing is to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

You don’t need to be a famous champion to play this sport all you need is a ball and a few friends and you can have a game. You would be crazy to not give this game a go. You can see below a diagram of all positions.

Thank you to Cael for reading and editing my work. You're the best.

Term 3 with a new Topic!!

Term 3 has finally arrived, not only do we get to start fresh but we get a new topic to focus on. That topic is  The Olympics. Everybody is excited for the most amazing event that brings countries together every four years.

My feeling's, well I'm very excited for when the Olympics start, and as our topic we will be researching more about it and  how it works. There will be many games played such as - Swimming, Cycling, Track, Kayaking, Hockey and many more.

The fastest man in the world is Jesse Owens. He had broken four records in his time of running. This man who broke these records had been doubted an told that he couldn't run as fast as the other competitors. So he trained and trained and when the next Olympics came he competed, he won the race and he was titled the FASTEST MAN ALIVE.

There are many more people entering the competition and there are more things to see, you would be crazy to miss out on the opportunity to watch this live on TV.

Thank you to Eleva for reading and editing my work. I really hope we can work together in the future.

Click on a link below to read another fantastic story.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Independent Writing

This week is our last week of school.... But before we go home to relax we have one last assignment to do and that is this! Mr barks is making us write a post independently it  can be about anything so I have decided to write about my favourite activities I were involved in for this term.

Netball is my most favourite thing I have done this term. Miss Muliaumasealii is the coach for the team But the big boss is Miss Vaafusuaga. The first game of Netball this term I was player of the day, it was the first time I have ever got player of the day at Netball.

Now that I’m year 7 I go to tech. Last term I was in food technology now im in 
ELECTRONICS. In electronics we made our own simple circuit. It was hard work but it was very fun.

If you have never tried Netball or anything else I written on this post you would be crazy to miss out on any opportunity to getting this done.

Friday, June 22, 2012


PEPA (Point England Performing Arts). Its term 2 of 2012 and we have just finished performing twice in front of Pt England school year 1-6 and some of the Intermediate students. That was the easy part then we performed at 7pm in front of strangers and some people we know. Miss Muliaumasealii is our big boss with Mrs Nua. They had put together that big performance. Pt England students were involved as was tamaki college students Paa, Mar, Nella, Jharome and Easter.

I was involved in Hip hop seniors`, Modelling, Chris Brown dance and Raping.. My two most nerve racking items I did were Rapping and Modeling those two were very scary.

I was Rapping to Fly Nicki Minaj and Rihanna. Our singer was Janna Retah and I were the rappers. I didn’t have almost enough confidence for that but I know I had fun.

Modelling was fun but I didn't have enough confidence on stage with my walking and being comfortable in my dress. I’m not the type of girl who loves dresses I love jeans a top and a jacket. I went on stage with a purple and black dress with a denim vest over the top, for my shoes I wore my black and white chuck taylors (Real of course). I had alot of fun walking down the catwalk, Thanks Laurien for that.

Thank you Miss Muliaumasealii, Mrs Nua , Mar, Nella, Easter, Laurien and other helpers that were involved in PEPA.. I just want to say THANK YOU for helping me and other students make our dreams come true I appreciate it so do everyone else. GOD BLESS YOU.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Favourite Place!

During this term all the teachers in team five have given yr 7 - 8 students the same assignment witch is, taking a shot of our favourite place and drawing it in the style of our favourite artist.

See the picture at the top of this post. You're probably wondering what does it mean? Well that photo isn't just any ordinary photo, it’s a photo of my FAVOURITE place. After a swim in the beach your feet will dry very quickly as you walk across the sand you actually may feel like your walking in the dessert but, I LOVE THE HOT HEAT BURNING MY FEET. You may think I'm crazy loving the boiling heat on my feet, it's not as crazy as you think. The burning hot sand motivates you to sprint to the beach.

Not only did we have to choose our favorite place and take a photo but we also had to give reasons for this. I had taken a couple of shots, I could only choose one It’s kind of a hard thing to do but sometimes you just need to push past that and get it done! This place is located in Kaitaia, Ahipara - named 90 mile beach you would be crazy to miss a out on going to visit this beach.

Thank you to Tyler and Chelsea for reading and editing my story. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW TELLING ME WHERE YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE IS.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Angel experiment

This term we have been assigned to read a novel, Angel experiment is the name. You may wish to read the book but before you do please sit back relax and read what it's all about!

Fang, Iggy, Gasman, Angel, Nudge and Max are the main characters in this story. These six kids may seem like ordinary children, But little did you know they are only 98% human but 2% Bird. You may have guessed right they have wings! They were raised in a place called the school AKA prison! They were created by people known as the white coats.  

They don’t just sit around waiting to be captured again. They run until they can’t run again. They don’t live normally like other children. They are hiding from well killers called Erasers they are wolves but they hide themselves by turning human.

Do you want to read more? If you do here's a link to the story chapter 8-14 enjoy and stay tuned for the next paragraphs we read. CLICK HERE

Want to read more  reflective writing stay tuned. A special thanks to Tyler Janssen for helping me edit my writing. There are more links below for more reflective writing on Angel experiment.




Monday, May 28, 2012


Saludos voy a ser su tutor hoy Andrea es mi nombre (translation - Greetings I will be your tutor today, Andrea is my name) 
hoy vamos a aprender español ( - today we will be learning spanish)

Vamos a empezar con lo básico ( - Lets start off with the basics)

These are some basic spanish greetings. You can easily notice the differences between   
Good morning, afternoon and evening. Buenos ( pronounced Bo-weh-nos ) and Beunas (pronounced Bue-wen-us)  
¡Hola! ( pronounced or-laa)

Say these words below over and over again until your sure you know them off by heart. Say each of these words in spanish to freind's neighbour's and family. It would be helpful if you write these words in a book so you can learn quicker and your brain can attach to the words easier.


Buenos díasGood morning
Buenas tardesGood afternoon
Buenas nochesGood evening

If you had success in learning the greetings please leave a comment or you can follow me to read more fantastic post .

Si tuviera éxito en el aprendizaje de los saludos por favor deje un comentario o puedes seguirme a leer mensaje más fantástico.